Phonics is an integral part of children learning to read and write. At Fairchildes Primary School, we
start teaching phonics in nursery by getting the children familiar with deciphering sounds and
having an awareness that letters produce sounds that can make words. In years reception and year 1
phonics is taught explicitly using the Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) Phonics Scheme , which is a
validated programme by the DfE. Throughout the rest of the school, phonics is used to support
children in their reading and writing as needed, and where children need extra support there is an
ELS intervention programme.
In the summer term of year 1, all children will have a phonics screening check in line with the
statutory assessments. This assesses their phonics knowledge up to phase 5. For children who do not
pass the phonics screening check in year 1, they will be re-assessed the following summer whilst in
year 2.
Please click below to see the ELS presentation for parents. You can also watch the videos to see how
to pronounce the sounds.
ELS is supported using the Oxford Owls reading books. To access Oxford Owls reading books follow
the link and use the log in details supplied by your child’s teacher:
For more information about ELS please click the link below: