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Maths Vision

Mathematics is an essential skill that we carry throughout our lives. It teaches us to make sense of the world through developing an ability to calculate whether through working out change, timing an event or measuring the correct amount.

At Rowdown we are developing a mastery approach to our mathematics teaching. This emphasises the importance of children gaining a deep and secure understanding of a concept before moving on. Methods are taught through a process of using concrete objects and pictorial representations alongside abstract calculations.

To become successful mathematicians we recognise that children need to develop number fluency where key facts including times tables, division facts and number bonds are firmly embedded through a range of games, activities and challenges.

Problem solving and reasoning are key parts of our lessons where children have the opportunity to think, discuss, explain and justify their ideas. They are encouraged to apply their existing skills to everyday situations. Through events and competitions during the year, children develop confidence and enthusiasm for maths.









Examples Of Children's work In Maths

Maths Week 2022


    Rowdown Primary School

    Calley Down Crescent, New Addington, Croydon, Surrey, CR0 0EG
    01689 843367